Friday, June 22, 2007

"Thunderbird Mobile Linux" - Running Thunderbird from a USB drive.

Just gave this a try, and it works perfectly using the thunderbird 2 available today. I was quite impressed by how easy and seamless it was.

1. Downloaded the thunderbird tarball from
2. Extracted it to the device.
3. Placed the following file in the thunderbird folder:


if touch cUSBprofile/; then echo Profile folder found, starting.; else mkdir cUSBprofile && echo Profile folder created, starting.; fi

./thunderbird -profile "cUSBprofile"

Worked just fine on ubuntu and OpenSuSE.

To run it, open a console in that directory and run ./ - you might want to make an appropriate launcher icon for your favourite desktop environment.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good post.

12:12 PM  

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